My Call (A Journey) – Chapter 10 || The Family Got back

Read the previous chapter here

My parents arrived the following weekend as my father had stated, I wasn’t in a good mood to receive them.

I had previous day received my appointment letter to resume work the next Monday, I was expected to feel happy but I was as frightened as a rat who has a cat in pursuit of it.

After the interview the other day, I had called Becky to tell her about the threats the man said to me and ask for her opinion on what to do about it.

I would have told my brothers but they are both married and had other things to worry about, though they might try to help there is a high chance they could take this issue till it escalates than it already is.

Becky was just her usual carefree self, talking about it meant nothing and I shouldn’t take it too seriously. Even though she tried to be as soothing as ever, I was still not relieved.

Seeing my appointment letter led my fear to skyrocket, and I wanted to talk to somebody so bad, somebody who is not a family nor Becky.

I thought of my other friends, I couldn’t talk to Bimpe nor the other girls because they will all say I’m overreacting and that it was an empty threat.

I was still deliberating on what to do, whether to resume work or not when my parents got back from the village.
I recognized the sound of my dad’s car even before I heard them calling my name. I got off of the bed, putting as much smile as I could muster on my face, and walked out of the house to greet them.

“Welcome daddy, mum how was your journey?”

” Hello dear, It was fine,” they said at the same time
“Get the things in the car trunk into the house,” mum instructed

“Yes ma”

“Hope you didn’t bother to cook anything dear?” Asked dad

“No, I didn’t”

“That’s good because your grandmother packed every type of food for us to bring home for you”

“She asked if you have grown fat and as soon as we said you are as slim as ever she couldn’t stop preparing every meal for you to eat,” says mum

“She wants you fat and healthy the next time you go to see her”

I couldn’t help smiling and thinking “so like my grandmother to feed you till you grow fat”
My grandmother was a very lovable woman, she cares and pampers us at will, and there was never a day she set eyes on my brothers and me that she never complained about how skinny we looked or how malnourished we looked.

I love her very much, I love talking to her, I love when she shares tales about her youngster days and her escapades as well.

I loved when she pampered me the most, she was kind, sweet, affectionate, and very warm, that was why I loved hugging her during those cold nights in the village.

My father always grumbles about the way she spoils us, he always says with the way she is with us, it was surprising to say she was the mother with whom he grew up with.

He never fails to talk about how she beats him and his other brothers growing up.

There was a particular story he loved talking about when trying to prove how strict my grandmother had once had been
A story about a day my father came home from school, saying he was done studying and wants to be a farmer

My grandmother had beat him severely, then went on to lock him up in a drum that has a small hole at the top, then leaving him out in the cold till the next morning

The next day when he and his brothers set out to school, his brothers were allowed to ride their bicycles to school while he walked to school, which was a long distance.

After that treatment, he learned his lessons and had taken school seriously, and was the best student in school from then till he finished university.

We had a good laugh after he narrated the story, my brothers and I couldn’t believe our sweet grandmother was once that strict but we were glad she’s no longer that way.

I was deeply reminiscing about my grandmother that it took my father’s touch on my arms to make me realize I was still outside with them
“What were you thinking about for so long,” dad says

“Sorry dad, I was just so happy to hear about grandma, I miss her so much”

“I know you do dear, you will be seeing her soon” he patted my shoulder as if to comfort me “Alright, bring in everything we brought from the car”

He and my mother walked into the house, while I took some loads from the car and I walked in their tow into the house … Read the next chapter (11) here!

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