My Call (A Journey) – Chapter 12 || Strange Words

Read the previous chapter (11) here!

As I rode the bus back home my mind was in a turmoil of emotions about the note Bimbo had given me, I was tremendously curious about what could be In it.

I was so curious that I had almost pulled it from my bag and read on the bus but I controlled myself and decided against it and to wait till I got home.

When I got home, Dad was already at home resting in the living room while my mum was in the kitchen cooking dinner.

As soon as I stepped into the house the aroma of the food she prepared filled my nostrils and my stomach grumbled in reaction reminding me that it’s famished.

When my dad saw me his face lit up in anticipation and I knew that he wanted nothing but to know how my first day at the new job had been.

I wasted no time in mumbling that it was good and exciting as I pleaded fatigue and quickly made my way into my room, efficiently dismissing him. I searched my bag for my room key, found it and opened the door not forgetting to lock it as soon as I got inside.

I dropped my bag on the floor, peeled my dress off my body and made straight for my face wipes. After wiping off my makeup I dumped the dirty wipes in the trash beside my drawing table and headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I wrapped myself in my towel and walked back into the room, I turned on the air conditioner, went to the wardrobe, took out my nighties and put them on.

After that, I took my bag and pulled out the little note to read. In it were a few words

“See me in my office after work tomorrow”


Those were the few short words written and signed by the boss. My heart went in a spiral of thoughts

“Am I getting fired” “Doesn’t he want me or like me?” I whispered to myself

All possible thoughts crept into my mind at the moment as I sat confused at why the boss had wanted to see me. I was still in that state when I heard my mum shout from the door

“Mary, Food is ready”
At that moment I decided to push myself at the back of my mind, then I stood to go eat dinner.

The next day was just as uneventful except for the chatterbox Bimpe who tried to draw me into conversations about the boss, she had stopped pestering me when she realised I wasn’t paying her any attention but rather looking at my wristwatch from time to time.

She gave me a scowl and sneers as she walked away to her office.

I looked at the time often and when the time for closing had clocked I wasted no time going into the boss’s office.

I knocked on the door gently and pushed the door open

“Good afternoon Sir, you asked to see me after work today” I muttered politely

He looked up from the file he was arranging into his bag and said

“Mary, oh yes, I asked to see you, please have a seat”

“Thank you, sir,” I said and sat down on the table in front of him all the while staring at him uneasily.

“Alright Mary, I do not want to speak to you about much, I just wanted to ask you how you are fairing on the job”

“It’s good sir, I’ve read the manuals and learnt all the rules and regulations and understood them”

“That’s great, Mary, I’m glad to hear that,” he said with a smile that reveals even white teeth

“Thank you, sir”

“That would be all for now,” he said

“Alright sir” I muttered standing up and walking to the door, my hand was on the doorknob when he called out to me

“Sir” I answered

He stood from his chair with his bags In his hands and walked up to stand directly in front of me, he was a tall man and my face was even with his chest. I moved back a little and looked up to stare into his eyes.

We stared at each other for a while, I timidly while he stared unabashedly. Then he softly almost like a whisper

“I’ll see you around” he had stated as a matter of fact, not as a question but I replied all the same

“Yes sir” I replied

He bent his head towards me, I jerked back as a reflex, he used his hands to steady me and spoke Into my ear

“I have a feeling that we will be having a lot to do together”

I had wanted to ask him what he meant by that but he opened the door and motioned for me to go out. He walked past me down to the car park while I went to my desk to pick up my bag and go home. Read the next chapter (13) here!

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